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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Télécharger The Major Works PDF eBook Percy Bysshe Shelley

The Major Works

Book's Cover of The Major Works
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Télécharger The Major Works PDF eBook Percy Bysshe Shelley - A major new edition freshly edited in many cases from manuscripts of Shelleys poetry and prose It contains the longer poems from Queen Mab to The Triumph of Life including generous selections from Laon and Cythna a wide range of his shorter poems and much of his major prose including A Defence of Poetry


Details of The Major Works

Le Titre Du LivreThe Major Works
AuteurPercy Bysshe Shelley
Livres FormateBook PDF ePub
Nombre de pages880 pages
EditeurOUP Oxford
Nom de fichierthe-major-works.pdf

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